Friday, May 10, 2013

Three of Discs - The Artist at Work

This card often comes up when I read for my artist friends.  They take a lot of grief from their inner circle for being flakey and unavailable - quite frequently, their unpredictable work times can cost them their relationships.  But there is something so powerful about watching the artist at work. (So sexy to see my artist-lover at work.  I love to look on as he plans, makes adjustments, and creates!) There is such precision and focus as they delve into a new project.  It may be sketched and planned, but it is apparent that there are times when even the creator does not know how the finished product is going to turn out.  I love to watch how they learn from each creation and how they hone their skills and talents as they go along.  If the artist is trying to make a living from his work, the focus often becomes more intense.  Although I tend to surround myself with those in the creative sphere who are constantly perfecting their craft, the three of discs is not just pertinent to the artist.  Whatever you are doing, it is important to see it as a craft, a work of art, a product that defines your skills and talent.  Take the time an initiative to learn from others and to pass on your craft.  Learn from your creations, your projects, your clients.  Don't ever think that you have perfected your craft to where it can never grow beyond what you are doing now.  Take delight in the fact that each creation, business interaction, or project is a new experience.  With this attitude,  you can never grow bored.  Take pride in your work, and know that it is a necessary work.  No matter what your occupation, there is dignity in the work you are performing, and your work should be seen as deserving respect and recognition.  Your hard work will pay off if you approach it in this manner.

We should approach our relationships as a work of art in progress as well.  That way they have less tendency to go stale.  When we approach the relationship as a collaborative creation with our lover, we can learn from one another and teach one another as we work to make the relationship as beautiful as it is meant to be.  There may be times when we must seek the advice of a priest or counselor to learn the necessary skills to move past relationship hurdles.  Perhaps seeking the advice of other couples who have seen their relationships grow and change for the better because they have put in the hard work could also be helpful.
Trust in the creative process in your relationships in the same way your trust in it when creating works of art!
What does the Three of Discs mean to you?

To contact me for a reading;

or call 1800-ASK-KEEN  Ext.04975339

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