Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"LIKE" Our Facebook Page for free 3 minute reading! Tarot for Lovers is now on Facebook! LIKE our page, then email me at - I will send you (through KEEN) 3 free minutes toward a reading or chat, just to say 'thank you' and to connect.

Getting the Best Out of Your Relationship Reading

We have all called readers wanting to know about that new love interest that has just appeared on the horizon or trying to find out why a current lover has suddenly become so distant...Often, there are lessons to be identified and realized at these times, but seekers may have limited patience when this information coming through in a reading. When we call, especially if we are paying a per-minute fee, we want to know the answers to two or three basic questions: 1. How does he feel about me? or 2. Is he cheating on me? or 3. WHEN will he call? Although the above questions (the big 3) are extremely relevant, it is so important to be open to other information that is coming through in the reading. As a reader, it is difficult to explain to a client who wants to know WHEN that time frames are often the least reliable information a reader can give, due to the free will of the players involved in the love scenario. It is often more important to hear information such as "She will be ready for a relationship after she has healed from the death of her mother." Sometimes, clients call a reader over an extended period of time, seeking information on the same relationship. There are times when the seeker would rather hear the 'they lived happily ever after' version of the story, but it is so important that a reader is honest and ethical and reveals the truth - even when the truth hurts. A trusted reader will help you to navigate troubled and troubling relationship by being honest with you. They will work with you as you begin the process of letting go of an unhealthy relationship. In the long run, a truthful reader has your best interest at heart. It may take time to find a trusted reader, someone who can offer spiritual guidance as well as relationship advice, but it is so important to seek the advice of a reader you can trust and who is ethical. An ethical reader will also be able to tell you whether it is beneficial to seek help from a relationship counselor, pastor/priest, or other type of counselor or therapist. Tarot reading is not merely a parlor trick, and a trusted tarot reader is not a 'fortune teller'. Tarot can be a valuable to in discerning whether a mate is right for you or it may be a way to identify areas of your relationship that need healing and attention. The more open you are to the information coming through in a reading, the more helpful the reading can be for you and your lover. If you are interested in having a relationship reading that goes beyond the "Big 3" questions, contact me at or try any of the skilled readers on KEEN.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Tarot Tweets Daily

Don't forget your daily tarot tweet! I send out mini-reading tweets multiple times a day. They are very insightful and can be very helpful as relationship readings. Hopefully, you will recognize the mini-reading that applies to you. Blessings, Cascade

Knight of Wands - Blowing in the Wind

When the Knight of Wands shows up in a love reading, be prepared for inconsistency in communication and in action.. You will often be wondering when he or she will call next. You may find yourself calling advisors or asking friends for advice about what your love interest is thinking or why his/her actions are so difficult to decipher. You may go back and forth between thinking that this person is "just not that into you", and waiting for the next text or phone call. Be very discerning with your Knight of Wands. Often this new lover is testing the waters - checking out your actions and reactions AND he/she is taking notes! This is not a person who makes commitments easily - long or short term. They may appear to be a player who is waiting for something better to come along, but a deeper look indicates a person who does not trust easily. If you need security, stability, and consistency - at first glance, this person is not for you. If you have some patience with the diamond in the rough types, then it might be easier for you to live with someone who may alternately thrill and disappoint you. If the Knight of Wands shows up in your life, you may be advised to reject him or her. However, only you can discern what is right for you when it comes to this individual. The Knight of Wands often gets a bad rap, but at other times the reputation is well deserved. Observe the Knight of Wands with his/her friends - does he show up when he says he is going to, or does he often blow off his commitments? You may be in store for the same. Does he/she keep promises, because actions do speak louder than words in relationships. Observe the Knight of Wands, take notes...give this new love interest a chance before weighing in, but keep your eyes open! For a detailed love reading: