Saturday, June 29, 2013

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Ace of Pentacles: The Seed

When the Ace of Pentacles (Discs) comes up in a love reading it is a definite YES to the relationship taking on a more concrete form.  So, while the Ace of Cups is a yes to a question of whether a significant emotional attachment or feeling exists, the Ace of Pentacles affirms that the relationship will now begin to take a material form.  So, your crush will call you, ask you out, do something to make you finally understand that it is NOT all in your head!

For an existing relationship, the question, "Where is this relationship headed?" is often asked by my clients.  When the Ace of Pentacles shows up, it is certain that a dating scenario will suddenly become more exclusive.  In many of my readings, this Ace represents and engagement ring when the querent is asking about a marriage proposal. 

So, the Ace of Cups might come in to let you know that feelings of love are reciprocated - the Ace of Wands might let you know that a physical attraction is mutual (or that a passionate interaction is on the horizon), but the Ace of Pentacles puts its money where its mouth is, so to speak.  This Ace brings the attraction, crush, or relationship to concrete fruition.

Let me read for you and your lover! Contact me for a reading at

Friday, June 14, 2013

Man of Action - KIng of Wands

I often get this card in a reading for clients who are asking about whether or not their lover will commit or what the future of their relationship will be.  The fiery King often pops up when a who has been on the fence about solidifying a relationship is ready to step up to the plate and become a man of action who says yes to his lover and the future of their relationship.  This card often makes an appearance in a reading when a boy is ready to become a man.  Not a man in the sense of making one's way in the world or in a career field.  This King is more about becoming a man in the world of passion and action.  Sure, he can have a less than sedate temperament from time to time, but that is because his relationship means something to him and he is unwilling to lose it.  Sometimes, this guy just needs a little push to go the extra mile and say yes to the relationship.  Not that he would respond particularly well to ultimatums from his partner.  The action plan must come from within himself - he needs to be the one to give himself the ultimatums. 

Once the fiery boy becomes a man of action, clients usually see a rapid transformation in their wishy-washy lovers.  The newly emerging King of Wands is loyal, trustworthy, and will fight any battle for his lover, his home, and his family.  Regardless of what the other cards in the spread say, if the King of Wands features prominently into the future placements int he spread, this man of action is worth waiting for!