Saturday, May 18, 2013

When Lightning Strikes - The Tower in our Lives and Loves

Lightning your presence from ground to sky, no one knows what becomes of me, when you take me so quickly -Rumi-
The Tower speaks of those life changing events that irrevocably alter what is familar to us.  The Tower comes on like a flash of lightning and shatters what has been holding us back from a greater realization of our spiritual purpose.  The Tower has recently made its presence known in my life as a young friend suffered as serious accident which has left her unable to walk, move her extremities or even to communicate.  One day, she was physically whole - the next day she was completely dependent upon friends, caregivers, and family to meet even her most basic needs.  As I watch her immobilized in her hospital bed, I see the impact of The Tower's ability to destroy and transform.  I don't know how she will come through her current situation, but it is as though she is in a cocoon-like state.  I feel that the most important phase of her life is about to take place.  This transformation would not have been possible without the lightning-quick shattering brought about by The Tower.
The Tower does not always have to involve a catastrophic event in the physical sense.  Some readers see it as a portent of accidents, loss of home, and other life-altering occurrences.  More often, however, it appears to me as a sign from God that it is time to let go of that which no longer serves you.  Perhaps it is an unhealthy relationship that we are clinging to - one that does not allow for spiritual or emotional growth.  When the advice to move on given by friends and family does not encourage us to walk away from a debilitatitng relationship, often the universe steps in and leaves us no choice.  When we are not in the place to make good decisions for ourselves or to work toward healing our toxic relationship, we need a little push.  Or a big push, as the case may be.  If left to our own devices, we would continue to cling to a long-dead love that does not allow us to grow.  So, the lightning crashes, and the energy of The Tower is released.  It must happen quickly, or we will continue to resist.
There is no way around the pain and the accute sense of loss that occur when the force of the Tower shatters a relationship.  If growth is to happen, we must learn to embrace this very necessary and transformative suffering.  And, it is no accident that the energy of the Star comes on the heels of the Tower's appearance in our lives.

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