Sunday, May 12, 2013

And a Sword Will Pierce Your Heart

The Three of Swords...Ouch!  Not the card you want to get in a spread about where your relationship is headed.  Usually seen as the break up card, the Three of Swords portends sorrow and loss of love.  Perhaps a love triangle has contributed to the separation and the overwhelming sense of sorrow you feel.  What happens when this card appears deeply wounds both parties in a relationship.  It is almost as though the hurt is unbearable and will never go away.  It is not an amicable parting of the ways; it is a severing of love and a mourning for what has been lost. 

It is healthy to experience the pain of swords...for a time.  Lick your wounds, nurse your damaged heart, let all of those pent-up tears flow.  However, if the mourning period for a relationship lasts longer than what is healthy, and you cannot move on, it is time to seek some wise counsel from a friend, priest, pastor, or counselor.  Your spirit needs to heal along with your heart.  It is tempting to let the pain and darkness of a broken relationship separate us from the rest of the world, but there is a danger in getting too comfortable in that dark place.  Get an emotional check up from a trusted friend to make sure you are not crossing the line between situational depression and clinical depression.  Be careful that self-flagellation does not become a comfortable habit that keeps you from healing from the pain of the break up. 

Of course, it is difficult to stomach the platitudes:  "other fish in the sea", "time to move on", "he/she was not the one", etc., but it is important to consider the perspective of friends and family who are not as attached to the situation as you have been.  They can be the first to give you that emotional check up and let you know whether it is time for some guidance toward healing.  Work with a trusted advisor to discern whether you are letting your broken heart define you.

Broken hearts do heal.  Healing from a relationship, especially one in which betrayal has been a factor, can be a painful process.  Those swords will eventually stop piercing you, and the wounds will close.  In the meantime, try to be kind to yourself.  The little comforts that you give yourself will lead to you allowing others to give you care and comfort.  Eventually, a little joy will creep in.  Keep letting it happen.  Even if it is the last thing you want to do, say yes to that invitation to the movies, party, park, or whatever.  Being in the moment with other people is an effective way to kick start the healing process.

Soon you will become more aware that the pain of your lost relationship has given you some wonderful lessons and has made you a stronger person.  When you begin to come to this realization, you will be ready to move on of your own accord.

What does the Three of Swords mean to you?

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