A thousand half loves
must be forsaken
to take one whole heart home.
When I read this today, I immediately envisioned the Seven of Cups...the daydream, the illusory world of half-loves, crushes, and fantasy lovers. As a reader, I get many questions about whether a relationship will progress. I always ask whether the client is asking about an existing relationship or a possible relationship. So many clients ask about whether their crush also has feelings for them, but even when they find out that feelings are reciprocated, they never seem to be able to bring the crush to fruition as a real relationship. They prefer the fantasy over taking the risk and trying to turn a daydream lover into a real-time, flesh and blood lover. Why? Sometimes it is fear of rejection, even though they have been assured that the other person is just as interested as they are. Other times, quite simply, the chase is better than the catch. The client prefers to live in the illusory world of fantasy relationships. That way, they can always see their crush as a tantalizing possibility, but they will never have to be disappointed with the day-to-day issues of a normal reality based relationship. They will never have to have a fight with their beloved, and their beloved will always remain, the perfect man/perfect woman.
In order to realize the full potential of a relationship, we must be able to take the risk of letting go of the fantasy relationship. Sometmes, taking that step may involve being rejected, but more often than not, the object of affection will be relieved that SOMEONE made the first move. The fantasy, the crush, and the chase will be over, but the possibility of a solid, human, loving relationship will come to fruition. It may take some hard work, and it may involve seeing the beloved as a human being with faults, fears, and failings. But, in forsaking the 'half-love', the unrequited love, the unrealized possibility, we can truly bring home that one whole heart we have been seeking.
What does the Seven of Cups mean to you?
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